
Author: Nathan Allan

  • Olympia Restaurant Quick Guide

    Olympia Restaurant Quick Guide

    This guide is our tried and true places to eat, that rarely fail to impress. If you want a specific recommendation for a particular style of food please ask us. We support locally owned restaurants.  Chains are great, but shopping and dining local has soul and substance. Casual Dining, but great! Casa Mia : 716…

  • Our Top Ten Places to go for a Walk.

    Our area features literally dozens of parks, trails and nature reserves. We love them for different reasons. Some are an easy stroll, while others offer access to wildlife. We are confident no matter what you enjoy there will be a place to walk that you will enjoy. So here are ten walking locations in the…

  • Baklava Cookies

    Baklava Cookies

    Another Honey inspired recipe that Casey used to feed the members at a Olympia Beekeepers Assocation meeting. She upsized the batch and made at least six dozen cookies. This recipe is makes a couple of dozen. They are dainty little cookies, only a bite or two in size.

  • Wedding & Baby Showers

    One of the most commonly asked for events at the Inn are showers. Baby Showers or Wedding Showers, they are both similar, celebrating new beginnings. Now that we have the new Grand Victorian Ballroom, we are now able to offer a package that will exceed your expectations. Plenty of room for 30 people. Great coffee,…

  • Winter Retreat Special

    Winter Retreat Special

    When? November 27th 2022 through January 17th 2023 Why? This is a special rate, during this time period, the owners will be on vacation, and the inn sitter will not be providing any breakfast. What are the savings? $50 per night. What are the restrictions?  They vary, but anywhere from a 2 to 4 night…